
    THE Alliance Party will call for all
    development work on the Mourne
    Mountains Gateway Project to be
    paused at next week’s council meeting.

    A party statement, released this week,
    confirmed that its representatives will table a
    motion to “halt development of the controversial
    gondola until landowner permission for it to be
    built can be secured” on Monday.
    Earlier this month, the local authority held a
    public information event on the £44m project,
    which it aims to complete by 2029, and revealed
    concept images of the proposed tourism
    infrastructure that would link Donard Park to a
    visitor centre on Slieve Donard’s Thomas Quarry
    by cable car.

    South Down Alliance MLA Patrick Brown said
    that he has “serious concerns regarding the
    amount of money already spent on the Mourne
    Gateway project without a public consultation”.
    He highlighted that a freedom of information
    request had revealed that the council has spent
    £317,595 on the project to date – £122,405 on a
    Mournes Gateway study/strategic outline case
    and £195,190 on an outline business case.
    “To have spent over £300,000 without a public
    consultation or even agreement from the
    National Trust that a gondola and visitor centre
    can be built on their land is shocking to say the
    least,” said Mr Brown.

    “I have serious concerns that the council will
    continue to rack up huge costs, knowing the
    fundamental issues there are with this gondola
    project, in the hope that if they spend enough it
    will be too hard to turn back.

    “The council have also once again displayed a
    complete disregard for transparency by refusing
    to provide the estimated cost of the gondola
    within the wider Gateway Project, or clarity on
    how inflation has affected their pre-Covid
    construction cost estimates.”

    The MLA called for all parties on council to
    “join Alliance in demanding the publication of the
    full details of this project, and for a full and
    extensive public consultation to be undertaken to ensure the people of the
    Mournes and surrounding areas
    want this project to go ahead”.
    “If other parties are not willing
    to do this, they are complicit in
    the culture of secrecy that
    continues to underpin this
    council,” he continued.
    “I am therefore pleased to
    announce that my colleague,
    Cllr Andrew McMurray (Slieve
    Croob), has tabled a motion to
    the April full council meeting
    calling for this full public
    consultation to take place, and
    for all further development work
    on this project to pause until
    explicit consent is gained from
    the National Trust to build the

    “I hope councillors will debate
    and vote on this motion in an
    open and transparent manner,
    and not attempt to water it
    down or have it deferred to some
    obscure subcommittee, as has
    been a tactic in the past.”
    Alliance Mournes candidate
    Jill Truesdale added that there
    isn’t “a lot to show” for a
    financial outlay of over
    “There is no doubt that this
    money could have been better
    spent,” she said.
    “If the council truly wants to
    support Newcastle, then they
    should listen to the people that
    live there and embrace a public
    “I know I would rather this
    money and that planned for the
    gondola be spent on improving
    trails in the Mournes,
    supporting the National Trust
    and others in their work to
    protect and enhance the
    mountains, better public
    infrastructure, and a leisure

    When contacted for comment,
    a council spokesperson said that
    the project’s outline business
    case was “approved earlier this
    year”, and that the next stage of
    the project will “include the
    development of the designs and
    further ecological and
    environmental surveys and
    wide-ranging stakeholder

    “The council and its key
    stakeholders – National Trust,
    Tourism NI and Mourne
    Heritage Trust – have been
    working in partnership on the
    Mourne Mountains Gateway
    Project for a number of years,
    and, during that time, one of
    the areas of focus has been on
    the potential environmental
    impacts the project will have
    locally, both at the Thomas
    Quarry site and also across the
    wider Mournes area,” she
    “The Mournes area falls under
    several environmental
    designations, and, as a group,
    we have worked together to
    specify, procure and complete a
    number of significant
    environmental studies and
    reports to support the project
    through the outline business
    case process.”

    It was highlighted that
    additional environmental
    scoping studies have been
    carried out to “identify and
    consider the issues of concern
    and how these can be
    mitigated/managed as the
    project progresses”, and that
    “the promotion of the valuable
    natural assets across our
    district are a key element of the
    council’s tourism strategy”.
    Feedback received at the
    public information day is being
    collated and will be shared “in
    the coming weeks, along with
    frequently asked questions and
    answers on the project”.

    “The development of this
    project will create 477 jobs and
    will generate £5.3m GVA (gross
    value added) for the local
    economy per annum through the
    lifetime of the project,” the
    spokesperson concluded.
    “The current project costs are
    projected at £44m at outline
    business case stage.
    “These cost projections will be
    developed further as the project
    moves through to the next


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