Church prepares to host festive fundraiser


SAINT John’s Parish Church in Newcastle has been transformed into a magical woodland, and all will be revealed tomorrow, when the historic building opens its doors for its first Christmas Tree Festival. Organised in conjunction with The Fishermen’s Mission, which is based in Kilkeel, this wonderful display of over 60 trees has been put together with the help of the community, young and old alike, offering a colourful cornucopia of lights, arrangements and many handcrafted festive decorations. 

Proceeds from the festival, which follows Kilkeel’s version which concluded at the weekend, will go towards the mission’s ongoing work, supporting local fishermen and their families, particularly in the run-up to Christmas. Rev Myrtle Morrison said there has been “tremendous enthusiasm” for the event, and that she and everyone involved with the church are thrilled to be hosting it. The festival will be open for viewing from Thursday through to Sunday.

Proceeds raised from the £5 entrance fee will go directly to the mission, whilst there will also be a refreshments stall, offering up tasty bowls of soup along with some mince pies and shortbread, and all proceeds from these sales will go towards church projects. She said the church was delighted to have been approached by the charity to host the event and said lots of businesses in the town and further afield, as well as several local charities, have sponsored the trees. And a host of locals have been busy getting decorations ready for the trees, all of which will be decorated eclectically, reflecting many of those participating. “We are particularly delighted to host this festival, allowing everyone the opportunity to escape the cold and explore our beautiful church and admire the trees,” she said. Rev Morrison added: “We are so excited to be hosting the Fishermen’s Mission Christmas Tree Festival in St John’s this year.

The Christmas Tree Festival will be open from Thursday at 9am and run until Sunday. “Our church will be decorated with over 60 Christmas trees and anyone coming to view them will have a brilliant opportunity to support this great local charity, and to raise some funds for St John’s. Among those decorating the trees are children from several local schools, some of whom will also be performing at services the church will host in coming days. Rev Morrison added: “One of the wonderful things about Christmas trees is the way in which they light up spaces and fill us all with awe and wonder.” Ingrid Perry, the Fishermen’s Mission’s Port Officer, has been busy helping prep the church building this week and said she was excited to see the trees fully decorated. Building on the success of previous years – this is the 11th year the mission has been running the festival in the area – Ingrid said she was “thrilled to bring the festival to this church, overlooking the sea, and bringing this magical Christmas Tree Festival to St John’s.” The local woman added that seeing the trees in situ has brought “an extra magical feel” to the church and said everyone will receive a warm welcome. Performances lined up to coincide with this decorative display will include those from several local choirs.

The church will be open to visitors on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9am to 9pm and on Sunday at 11am for a Christmas Celebration Service with Hillhouse Choristers and organist, David Wilson. That afternoon, a Christingle Service with Newcastle Primary School will commence at 3pm and then at 7pm, the church will host its annual Christmas Carol Service, featuring Dunmore Silver Band.

Other events planned for later in the month include a Nativity Service, at 11am on Sunday 15 December, and a Carol Service that evening, commencing at 6pm at St Colman’s Church at Tullybrannigan. Everyone will be warmly welcomed throughout.


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