Darts tournament raises funds for Mourne Mountain Rescue Team

Darts players who took part in the fundraiser are seen here with Mourne Mountain Rescue Team member Harry Teggarty (third from right). The event raised a total of £840 for the local charity.

GLASDRUMMAN’S Hibernian Social Club hosted a darts tournament fundraiser in aid of the Mourne Mountain Rescue Team.

This very successful and entertaining tournament was held in Glasdrumman AOH Hall during the Christmas holidays, with all proceeds going to the local mountain rescue team.In total, £840 was raised and team member Harry Teggarty recently accepted the donation on behalf of the local rescue charity. The singles competition was won by Hugh Green. He was presented with The Glasdrumman Cup from Martin McClelland, one of the event’s organisers, and Karen Rooney, a supporter of the local mountain rescue organisation.

The doubles competition was won by John McComb and Danny Rooney, and they received The John Carr Memorial Cup from Edward Carr.

The organisers take this opportunity to thank all those who supported this very worthy charity event by their attendance, as well as those who assisted at the event, made donations, bought raffle tickets and provided prizes.

The dart players meet in the hall every Saturday night at 8.30pm for practice.


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