McAnultys celebrate karate double in Europe

Gerard Og and Barry McAnulty were victorious at the final event of the WUKF European Championship. Read why this one was special for them.

Gerard Og, Gerard Senior, Barry and Conor McAnulty at the WUKF European Championships in Romania.

KAZOKU Karate almost completed a clean sweep of medals at the final WUKF European Tour Championships of the year in Cluj Napoca, Romania at the weekend.

The McAnulty brothers from Castlewellan, Gerard, Barry and Conor – who represent the Kazoku Karate club – were each bidding to win their respective championships at the event following a season of high performance on the World Union of Karate-do Federations (WUKF) European tour. 

Gerard and his brother Barry won their respective events outright at the final round at the weekend, and their brother Conor narrowly missed out on winning the treble of titles for Kazoku Karate.

The WUKF European tour is a series of four events that take place across Europe, where fighters earn ranking points based on their performance at each event. This year’s hosts for the four events were England, Scotland, Slovakia and Romania.

In the full story, Gerard explains how close they came to getting a trio of wins. Read it now in the Mourne Observer.


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