Glór na nGael Ard Mhacha 15 April 2023 CREDIT:

A LOCAL Irish language group has said it is delighted to have been recognised at the recent Glór na nGael National Awards Ceremony. Conradh na Gaeilge Boirche Íochtar received the recognition for its educational work – and a cheque for €2,000 – at the annual event, which was established over six decades ago to mark efforts being made across Ireland to help develop the language. Posting online, the Annalongbased group said: “Tá muid uilig ar bís gur bhain muid an dara háit sa rannóg Oideachais amach mar chuid den comórtas Náisiúnta Ghlór na nGael 2023 (We are delighted to have been awarded second place in the Education category in the National Glór na nGael Awards 2023).” A prize fund totalling €80,000 was awarded to various groups at the 15 April awards ceremony, which was held in Armagh City Hotel. Last year, Conradh na Gaeilge Boirche Íochtar opened an Irish language public library and a youth club for secondary school children at its Páirc na Mara base. The lending library has over 800 titles on its shelves, and was established with the intention that it would be a community hub for all, with study areas, a children’s reading corner, free Wi-fi and printing facilities all available on-site. The youth club was set up to be centred round the Irish language, though it is not only for fluent speakers. Speaking to the Mourne Observer in November, the group’s Irish language development officer Ruairí Ó Donnáin said that its aim is to provide “youth services for the people of the area through the medium of Irish – for those who have Irish and those who are interested and will learn the language”. “We are creating an informal learning environment, and it’s to provide opportunities to use Irish outside of the school setting,” he stated. For further information, search for Boirche Íochtar on social media or visit www.boircheiochta to sign up for the group’s newsletter.


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