SEAFORDE Women’s Institute hosted a community film night in December. The festive film was ‘The Preacher’s Wife’, which was provided by Film Hub NI. Those who attended enjoyed the film, plus tea and shortbread.We hope to host further nights, so look out for our flyers and watch this space,” Judith Wainwright, Seaforde WI secretary, said. During the Seaforde WI’s December meeting, it was Christmas party time. The hall was decorated in tones of red and gold, the tree was lit up and there was festive music. Guests were welcomed with mulled juice which went down well on a cold night.
The Seaforde WI president, Margaret McDowell Wilcox, welcomed all the ladies and their guests, including those from fellow Women’s Institutes in Downpatrick, Annalong and Spa.“A delicious supper was provided by Stephanie of Steph’s Treats. Thank you, Stephanie, you never fail us,” Judith said.
There were also party games on the evening.“We always enjoy the ‘numbers game’. This year the two objects of desire were a tractor tree decoration and a highland cow,” Judith said.Our competition was a funny Christmas story and a few ladies told us tales. We were in stitches. Dympna Rush won by a huge applause.”
The birthday girl was Adrienne O’Neal.
The ladies brought food items to donate to the Fountain Foodbank in Downpatrick. WI member Annabel Cleland delivered the items to the food bank afterwards. Festive ballot prizes were won and it was a fun night for all involved.
Seaforde Women’s Institute would like to thank the local community for all of the support throughout 2024.
And a Happy New Year to one and all, as Seaforde WI held their most recent meeting on Monday evening, 13 January, at the YFC Hall in Seaforde.
Any women interested in checking out a meeting in the future will be made most welcome, Judith said.
For further details, please contact Judith on 07743 385020 or Margaret Broome on 07803 047124.